My type of C-pop

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Introductions first, here's a peek into my world of Chinese Pop.

I've been listening to Chinese Pop since the days of Little Tigers 小虎队, Heavenly Kings 四大(小)天王, etc... Of course, there were those I liked then. But moving on with times, the list below are some of my current favourites. In no preferential sequence:

Mayday 五月天
This 5-man Taiwanese Rock Band (Ashin 阿信, Monster 怪兽, Rock 石头, Masha 玛莎, Guan You 冠右) is the latest addition to my favourites, and boy did they top the chart! I used to be a casual listener of theirs, now converted to be a fan since the fateful night of their DNA Concert 2009 in Singapore which was simply infectious. Recommended tracks: 憨人、志明與春嬌、I Love You 無望、恋爱ING、離開地球表面、最重要的小事

Jay Chou 周杰伦

I've got to admit that he's not a great singer. That aside, Jay is full of talent! He composes great award-winning tunes, fuses Chinese music with R&B, plays multiple musical instruments, writes songs that lashes out at the paparazzi (四面楚歌) and voices many other thoughts and values of his, and directed and acted in his own movie. Recommended tracks: 青花瓷、发如雪、说好的幸福呢、不能说的秘密、稻香

Jacky Cheung 张学友

I still like him since the old world of Chinese Pop - for his solid vocals. He was the only Heavenly King who's evolved in the world of music today, or so I believe. With many wonderful hits to his accolade, it's a tough task to single out the best. Some of my all time favourites are: 离开以后(粤)、每天爱你多一些(粤)、怎么舍得你(粤)、如果爱.

Cheer Chen 陈绮贞

I was attracted by Cheer's unique pixie-like voice, which helps when she delivers simple and melodious tunes. Her music has shifted from folk to soft rock/alternative, but all for the better as with her rising popularity in recent years. I always believe music expresses character and Cheer's full of it. Recommended tracks: 旅行的意义,太阳,太多, 私奔到月球

Fan Fan 范玮琪

A solid voice and wide vocal range, and a wacky big-sister character (Afterall, walking off the stage is a feat that not anyone could perform!) is all it takes to like her. Her style is mainly folkish. Recommended tracks: 是非题,一个像夏天一个像秋天,因为,哲学家

Fish Leong 梁静茹
Fish to me, is blessed with many wonderful love songs compositions more than anything else. She's not my favourite singer, but I'm giving her the special mention because her songs make great and evergreen KTV hits. How can anyone not love her for producing songs we all love to sing? Recommended tracks: Fly Away, 勇气,情歌,小手拉大手

I could go on and on, the list is non-conclusive as there's so much more the world of C-pop has to offer. Perhaps next time, I shall dwell more into this.

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