海派甜心 News

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One thing I do while following the shows I like, is to read any related news to it - even if the truth remains unknown. So take it with a pinch of salt. Here's some bits about Hi! My Sweetheart for your entertainment only.

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杨丞琳硬上 小猪粉丝团暴乱

(联合早报网讯) 台湾自由时报报道,杨丞琳霸王硬上弓强吻“小猪”罗志祥,他的粉丝围观,亲眼目睹偶像被“性侵”,纷纷发出哀嚎声,还有粉丝醋劲大发,当场激动落泪,吓得杨丞琳忙解释:“我们只是兄妹情,不要误会啦!”


Fans mad at Rainie for stealing their darling!

Taiwan's Freedom Newspaper reported that Rainie's forced kiss on Show Luo has incurred his fan's wrath. About 40 fans who were witnessing the scene live were angered and jealous, some even broke down in tears. A frightened Rainie immediately clarified, "We're just like siblings, please do not be mistaken!"

As opposed to Rainie's past dramas, her role in Hi! My Sweetheart is a breakthrough. She is the rebellious girl, while Show plays passive and submissive role. The particular scene was filmed in Hangzhou China sometime back. Fans who were very protective of Show started wailing in protest the minute they kissed on set, and Show had to pacify them, "Be good, your hubby (Note: Show's fans all claim to be his wives) is filming! You mustn't dislike Rainie because of this." It worked like golden words and fans were instantly pacified. However this left poor Rainie spooked that she would apologise to his fans first, whenever it is a kissing scene.

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罗志祥杨丞琳感情升温 拍吻戏被曝假戏真做

(新浪娱乐讯) 据香港媒体报道,罗志祥与杨丞琳因合作《海派甜心》感情升温,日前两人在出席台湾电视节目《娱乐百分百》时,被主持人踢爆两人拍吻戏是假戏真做。



Show and Rainie develop feelings for each other

Thanks to the pairing in the new drama "Hi! My Sweetheart", Show Luo and Rainie Yang's relationship has turned up a notch. The two appeared on "Entertainment 100%" to promote their new drama a few days back, and the host commented that their kissing scenes have gone from reel to real.

Both leads have been caught by paparazzi on a date after filming. Show Luo clarified that it was his assistant's birthday and the rest of the crew were present to celebrate and is clueless why only the both of them were caught on film.

On the same "Entertainment 100%" episode, both Show and Rainie made entrance holding hands. The episode was not-so-coincidentally hosted by Xiao Tiantian and Ghost Huang, who used to date Rainie in her schooldays while the former has a crush on Show. A funny excerpt from the episode went like this:

Ghost asked if the two have developed feelings while filming, Xiao Tiantian added, "Of course, I can tell just by watching them on screen!"
Ghost Huang jokingly turned to Rainie, "Did you think of me while kissing?!"
Show instantly intercepted saying, "We have to make sure it's OK at first take, otherwise others will say that we're flirting."

ps: I tried my hands at translations, so please leave me a note and link back if you're ever lifting them. Thanks!

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