海派甜心 Ep12 Synopsis

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Episode 12 is a heart tugging episode, leaving me feeling all sad and sappy at the end of it. Like Baozhu not being able to differentiate Dalang and Xuehai, I'm not able to differentiate whether my sadness comes from the drama or the show coming to an end soon. A part of both I guess! Right from the start of this drama, I've been wanting to write summaries of Hi! My Sweetheart for my English readers, but have been putting this off. Till now - Picking up from where the show left off... Not too late I hope! Will fill the earlier gaps in my free time later.

* * * * *
Baozhu found out the truth about Xuehai/Dalang's identity. In a huff, she barges into Xuehai's office and slapped him twice.

Baozhu: The first is for Xuehai. Next is for Dalang.

This left both Xuehai and Yanfeng stunned in the midst of a scuffle. Being prompted by Yanfeng (sweet of him), Xuehai gives chase after a fleeing Baozhu. He finally gets hold of her at the building's entrance and confesses his true feelings.

Xuehai: Regardless of whether it is Xuehai or Dalang, they are both in love with you!

This of course doesn't stop Baozhu who was huffing mad, from leaving. Afterall what she hates most is for people to lie to her, and Xuehai has been doing that from the day he knew her. Baozhu gave Xuehai a last blow and ran off, escaping to her usual hideout when she's feeling down - the ice cream parlor.

Yanfeng found her first, but Xuehai caught up and tried explaining things to her again, only to be turned on deaf ears.

Baozhu: I don't want to see you ever again!

The next few scenes captures the misery of Xuehai and Baozhu, which are mainly 内练感情戏 (sorry I couldn't find a word in English for now), with Xuehai wondering if their fate is as such and Baozhu wanting to leave behind all memories of herself and Xuehai/Dalang because it's all too hurtful for her.

Baozhu tendered her resignation at the radio station and decided to further her studies abroad with Yanfeng's company. She has even recommended Mo Li to take over her position as the next radio station sweetheart, as an attempt to pull Mo Li and Xuehai together. Xuehai who's filled with regret too decided that he will not face Baozhu again and would let her go without having to pay for a breach of contract. He even requested for Yanfeng to take good care of Baozhu.

* * * * *
What seems like a "happy ending" was short-lived as fire broke out at the radio station on Baozhu's last day of work. Xuehai who was waiting all along at the lobby for Baozhu, instinctively dashed up to save her. He found an unconscious Baozhu and tried to carry her out, but was hit and pinned by a falling column in the midst.

While trying to wake Baozhu up, he was reminded of the vow that they will stick through no matter what happens and he wished to take back the vow in the hope that Baozhu doesn't die with him. Baozhu was awakened and refused to leave unless Xuehai is saved too.

Baozhu: You fool! Didn't I say that I didn't want to see you again?!
                 Why do you foolishly appear now?!!!
Xuehai: I know I'm foolish, because I did many things to hurt you.
                This should be my punishment for doing so. Baozhu(jie),
                 regardless of Dalang or Xuehai, as long as you remember that
                 I'm the big fool who loves you deeply - that is enough.
                So you can't die. Leave!!!
Baozhu: No!!! We'll die together if so!

At this point, the conversation turns into something shared between Dalang and Baozhu. Baozhu has also already forgiven Xuehai as they weep tears of joy for being able to reunite. It's a touching scene, nevermind the lameness to be able to talk so long in the fire (it's a drama anyway!). *prepare your tissue wipes*

Soon Yanfeng comes to the rescue, and lifts Baozhu out of the fire under Xuehai's persistence. Baozhu was still calling out for Xuehai as she is being carried out.

* * * * *
Next scene takes place at the hospital. Both Xuehai and Baozhu were saved (but of course, otherwise the fans will riot and there will be no more drama to act!). Baozhu regained consciousness, instinctively shouting out for Dalang/Xuehai. Upon knowing that Xuehai is still in a coma, she immediately rushed to his side with the support of Yanfeng as she still hasn't regained her full strength. She reprimanded the unconscious Xuehai for going to her rescue, which in turn incurred the wrath of Xuehai's Dajie (elder sister) who almost got a heart attack. Baozhu had no choice but to be dragged out in tears by Yanfeng.

Back in her own ward, Miya came to visit. She chided Baozhu for disregarding Yanfeng's feelings and care only for Xuehai. Baozhu could only apologize in tears.

Baozhu: You're right, I should not just think of myself and neglect how the rest of you feel. But Xuehai landed in this state because of saving me, how am I to ignore him or stop worrying for him? Moreover he's someone I love so much...

Baozhu then went back to Xuehai's ward. Only Mo Li was there. Baozhu had a heart to heart talk with Mo Li, about how Dalang has eyes only on Mo Li initially and joining the dance society because of her. Because she knows that Mo Li dislikes her, Baozhu nears Xuehai and pretends to be lovers with him to spite her. She wished that if not for her spitefulness, Xuehai and Mo Li would be dating and Xuehai will not meet with such a mishap.

Mo Li: Chen Baozhu, why don't you speak to him (referring to Xuehai). He refuses to wake up probably because he's afraid of losing you. You're someone he loves dearly, so perhaps only you can wake him up. (Mo Li leaves the two alone.)

Baozhu: Ugly mushroom head, what should I do with you? Since the day you promised to take care of me, I became fearful. I was afraid that I would rely on you, that I would feel even lonelier if you stopped worrying about me. That's why I kept bullying you, to keep you at arm's length. But you're so kind hearted and innocent, no matter how I ill-treat you, you still treat me with utmost sincerity. Please come back! Wake up, no matter you're Dalang or the Xuehai I used to detest!

At this, Xuehai and Dalang had an angel's and devil's debate in Xuehai's subconsciousness. All these happening seem to have awaken the hidden Dalang character in Xuehai, as he moved his finger slightly. Baozhu sensed it and immediately went to call the doctor. In the midst, Xuehai woke up and fled the hospital!

Xuehai's family got news of him going missing and they launched into a nationwide search for him. On the other hand, Baozhu took the chance to straighten out her relationship with Yanfeng and started her search for Xuehai too. "You horrible mushroom head, you're dead meat! When you're Lin Dalang, you've made me search for you once; now that you're Xuehai, you're still making me search for you again. If I lay my hands on you, I'll thrash you for sure!"

Baozhu walked past her wall graffiti of Dalang and is reminded of her conversation with Xuehai to look for Dalang. Just when she's in despair, a passerby commented that they've spotted Dalang at a toy shop...

To be continued in the next episode.

2 Responses to "海派甜心 Ep12 Synopsis" (Leave A Comment)

Anonymous says
1/23/10, 4:50 PM

hey do u noe how many episodes will there be in total?

thefangirl says
1/26/10, 2:12 AM

hi, total 14 episodes. You may already have read or heard. Xiaozhu announced it on Entertainment 100%.
I had it posted here too:

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