NEWS: [V] Awards 杨丞琳为罗志祥获奖眼眶泛泪

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It's been a while since I posted here. Continuing the make believe of Show & Rainie... Old conversation topics, but it's good to know that they are still very good friends.


当小猪发表感言时,杨丞琳突然间眼眶泛泪,问起发生何事,杨丞琳直说“没事没事,我这个人本来就疯疯的。”事后接受平面媒体访问时,杨丞琳提到,一方面因为小猪说的话太感人,小猪回想才恍然大悟,因为两人不仅合作戏剧收视成绩不错,合唱曲《In your eyes》也获得音乐奖项的肯定,所以特别有感触。另一方面也担心下周自己首场售票演唱会的表演,杨丞琳说有很多高难度的表演动作,绝对不能失误,失误的话会懊悔一辈子!至于有没有两人可不可能会有爱的火花,两人笑笑的说“我们是非常好的朋友!”两人更给予彼此高度的肯定,杨丞琳说:“小猪是合作过这么多男艺人中,她最受青睐的一位。”小猪也抱以高度的评价:“她是我心目中的第一女主角,她真的很厉害。”


Rainie & Show won awards for the Most Popular Male & Female Singer (First Season 2010) from Channel [V]. The award holds a special meaning to the both. Other than the good results of their recent drama, their duet from the drama "In Your Eyes" has qualified for Top 10 songs too. Rainie broke into tears mid-way through the interview, touched by Show's Thank You speech. When asked about the possibility of love sparks between them, they both laughed and replied that they're very good friends and sang praises of the other person. "Xiaozhu (referring to Show) is my favourite amongst all her male co-stars," says Rainie. And Show returned the compliment that, "She's my Number 1 lead actress!"

On Golden Bells Awards, they both hope that they will be nominated. Show joked that if only one of them qualified, the person would have to give up his/her nomination. On this, Rainie quickly added, "No, I won't do that!" However the both made a pact that whoever is nominated, they will accompany each other to the red carpet event as well as awards.

Source: 东星娱乐TUNGSTAR

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