犀利人妻 The Fierce Wife OST

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犀利人妻 The Fierce Wife OST

幸福秘笈 ALL in ONE:
特別收錄 [聽你說]|林凡+可唯 姊妹掏心曲,掌握幸福together!
首度收錄 [多情]|林凡 美聲詮釋 網路海詢!
療愛歌姬 Freya 林凡 [重傷/五天幾年/這樣愛你好可怕]|聊愛止淚首選!
犀利女聲 Yisa 郁可唯 [指望/暖心]|幸福甜蜜暖流!

After deliberating for some time, I've finally gotten my hands on the OST of The Fierce Wife 犀利人妻!

The Fierce Wife is a drama very well received and a television drama phenomenon. Its OST comes with a photo booklet featuring film stills plus quotes from the drama and song lyrics. The album contains all six theme songs including -

[by Freya Lin 林凡]
Opening theme - Five Days, Several Years 五天幾年
Ending theme - Seriously Hurt 重傷
Passionate 多情
Listen to You 聽你說 (duet with Yisa Yu)

[by Yisa Yu 郁可唯]
Warm Heart 暖心
Expectations 指望

* * * * *
Release Date 本產品發行日:2011年4月8日

Song list 曲目介紹:
01. 聽你說│郁可唯、林凡
02. 五天幾年│林凡
03. 未來是甜的 (配樂1)
04. 人妻的小確幸 (配樂2)
05. 我們的愛在這裡 (配樂3)
06. 第三者 (配樂4)
07. 這樣愛你好可怕│林凡
08. 人去樓空 (配樂5)
09. 指望│郁可唯
10. 多情│林凡
11. 幸福覺醒 (配樂6)
12. 還愛他嗎 (配樂7)
13. 重傷│林凡
14. 瀟灑熟女 (配樂8)
15. 真愛不是佔有 (配樂9)
16. Say What You Will│林凡
17. 暖心 │郁可唯
18. 五天幾年 (KALA)
19. 重傷 (KALA)
20. 指望 (KALA)

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