Section 1
Song: We're foolish 我们都傻
[2:30] Fans cheering wildly.
Show: That's enough... Protect your throat, as he'll be having a concert (subtly referring to himself, as he gave away a sheepish smile).
Rainie: When? When?
Show: "Longing for"
Rainie: (Before replying, she shot a knowing look at Show - that he might talk about his concert?) Longing for... Ok...
Show: We've to look towards, hopes and dreams. Have all of you seen the MV of We're Foolish? (Audience: Yes) Even the full version of the MV?
Rainie: Xiaozhu had the privilege of previewing of it.
Show: I previewed it. I was the fourth person to see it.
Xiaogui: Why? How did you know you were the fourth?
Show: Because the artist manager watched first, followed by the planner, her (Rainie), then me.
Rainie: (and audience were tickled) Because you were in the company at that time, so I thought 'Xiaozhu had quite a lot of sense (expertise) in this area, so I should have him take a look'.
Show: Her MV has a lot of connotations. Everyone who's finished watching the MV was asked by the manager, what we thought the ending was. What was the ending? The ending leaves people wondering if they had broken up or not.
Rainie: Ah! You haven't watched it ya? So you must be muddled. (Xiaogui: Yes) I got Joseph Chang to be the MV lead and the script was of a 4-angled love, meaning we both have our own partners.
Xiaogui: WOW, that's high (exciting)!
Rainie: What's most high was at the start, I want to relate what you (Show) had mentioned... You all watched the very start of the MV where Joseph and I kissed while both our partners were beside us, right? And he (Show) said, "That's really horrible... But it's really exciting!"
Rainie and Show exchanged a brief laugh, pointing their fingers at each other.
Show: Because if Joseph's girlfriend in the MV... (Show was patting his lap which got Xiaogui lost for a second. Xiaogui: What is that?) His girlfriend was lying on his lap; and her boyfriend was drunk and leaning on her shoulders. If his girlfriend suddenly opens her eyes and asks, "What are you doing?" Wah, that will be exciting!
Xiaogui: Wah sey, it's extremely exciting!
Rainie: Wait (exasperated), you guys...
Xiaogui: But this isn't right!
Show: It's not right, but it's just... wah, exciting.
Xiaogui cuts in to talk about the Love Test, part of her album's promotion activity.
[4:25] Rainie: You both must take the test...
Show: Aiyo, (we) still need to take the test...
Rainie: (directing the question at Show in a teasing tone) Do you know what Y and N stands for?
Xiaogui: Y stands for Yellow, N is Night. (TFG: We can see Show grinning at Rainie before the scene cuts to Xiaogui with his misleading answer.)
Show: (Ponders hard) Ah! Y is Yes, N is No!
Rainie: That's right! You're good!
Show: That's easy!
Rainie: Let's let Xiaozhu start first then. Points are allocated based on your answers, let's see if you're a fool in love.
Xiaogui: Have you ever done foolish things for love?
Show: What do you mean by foolish things?
Rainie: I think you must have. You must have lah.
Show: (general comment and not in reply to Rainie) Hey, I really dislike girls who self-abuse. Guys will too. For example when quarreling, the guy would punch the wall and will bleed.
Xiaogui: You never punched the wall before?
Show: NOPE. Because it'd be painful. I don't want.
Xiaogui: Thrashing your phone?
Show: Crazy, and I'll need to get a new one later.
Rainie: That's called violence. Foolish acts for example, is when you obviously know that person might break up with you, but you'll still wait for him.
Show: I have.
Show: Have you ever been a 3rd party in love? It's not possible for a Leo.
Rainie: You must be the boss, right?
Xiaogui: Or have you been a 3rd party unknowingly? Or you've been a 3rd party but didn't feel that you were?
Show: Not possible. Not possible based on the Leo character.
Show: If your other half has an affair, will you forgive? I tell you, that's the difference between guys and girls. Usually those friends around me, guys won't forgive girls who cheat on them. But girls will out of love.
Rainie: So you mean...
Show: What about?
Xiaogui: So you're a girl.
Show: I'm a girl. Because girls will forgive you out of love. Guys will forgive you out of possessiveness, but he won't sincerely forgive. Do you know what I mean (directing at Rainie)?
Rainie: He will forgive but actually doesn't?
Show: Nope, guys will not forgive but just want to possess.
Xiaogui: Can you please choose first??
Show: OK! I'm a guy so I'll choose not to forgive.
Rainie: Teacher Luo, you really can analyze.
Show: Do I love her very much? (Show was hesitant) No, I will still not forgive...
Show brings out his scorecard:
[35分] 因为曾经傻过,所以己所不欲,勿施於人,使自己可以傻但不要加害别人的佛心来著
Show almost read the 2nd phrase wrongly and got laughed at. Rainie picked up some comments from the audience who said, "That's so embarrassing!"
Show: What does it mean?
Xiaogui: It means that you won't allow others to do what you yourself don't like.
Rainie: That means, you don't allow yourself to get hurt, so you won't allow others to get hurt too... That's good, you have a kind heart.
Show: The higher marks, the sillier you are. So I'm considered not silly, right?
Rainie: Yup, mine's 85.
Xiaogui: You scored 85?! Wah seh, that's terribly silly!
Show: No wonder you will sing this song!
They move on to Xiaogui's analysis which I won't be translating.
娱乐百分百 28/07/2011 - 楊丞琳粉丝同乐会 - Part 1
9.04.2011 at 3:17 AM
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