Here's a peek into Rainie [edit: and Show's] QQ updates during the Australia filming period with translations for you! delight~.
22 Feb [21:52 楊丞琳] 一直飛一直飛這個月在台灣的時間,前前後後加起來居然不超過一星期好怕我女兒跟我愈來愈生疏,怎麼辦
Been flying and flying. The time spent in Taiwan this month is less than a week. I'm afraid my daughter and I will grow apart. What should I do?
23 Feb [09:39 楊丞琳] 忙碌生活又能恣意生活,真是理想的生活!
A busy and willful life is an ideal life!
24 Feb [10:35 楊丞琳] 我很少喊累!但,這個月,有點誇張
I hardly complain that I'm tired. But, this month is overboard.
25 Feb [01:40 楊丞琳] 壓呼!我終於擁有了我的新筆電!我一定會好好愛護它的
Yahoo! I have finally gotten a MacBook Pro! I will take good care of it.
[15:12 楊丞琳] 是哪個人?哪件事?讓你(妳)學會了珍惜!我?秘密!
Which person? Which incident? Made you learn to treasure! Me? It's a secret!
26 Feb [17:04 楊丞琳] Yumi是我的小寶貝有時滿自責自己沒有好好地陪伴她!但我相信,她絕對可以感受到,我對她的愛有多濃、多深Yumi~媽咪愛妳
Yumi is my darling. Sometimes I blame myself for not taking good care of her. But I believe she can feel how deep my love is for her. Yumi~ Mummy loves you.
27 Feb [09:38 楊丞琳] 減肥計畫徹底實行中…
Diet strictly in progress...
28 Feb [12:31 楊丞琳] 如果,心能夠安定,又何必去追求那些不穩定的刺激,來平衡自己不定的世界呢?
If the heart can be calm, why chase after stimulation that is unstable, to balance your uncertain world?
29 Feb [12:14 楊丞琳] 我想睡到自然醒
I want to sleep till I wake up naturally.
[16:04 楊丞琳] 什麼?!今天是國際表白日!啥時多了這個節日啊無所謂!既然這樣,我就祝大家都能和自己心儀的對象表白成功加油加油加油
What?! Today's International Confession Day! Since when was there this day? Nevermind! If so, I wish everyone success in their confession to the one they like. Go, go, go!
1 Mar [09:29 楊丞琳] 在舞台上,發光發亮的我們,背後承受了哪些重量?
We shine on stage, (but) what burden do we bear behind it?
2 Mar [16:39 楊丞琳] 我在吃雞肉
I'm eating chicken.
[16:49 羅志祥] 我很好!你們呢?
I'm very good! How about you all?
3 Mar [09:41 楊丞琳] 努力睜開眼,尋找自己期望的未來!它將不再是黑白...
Strive to open my eyes, to find the future I wish for! It is no longer monotone...
[20:08 楊丞琳] 我愛甜點,甜點愛我!餐後來點甜的,胃才不會空虛
I love dessert, dessert loves me! Post meal dessert, then my stomach wouldn't feel empty.
4 Mar [17:07 楊丞琳] 心中若有不甘,必會庸人自擾!不如學習放下,一切海闊天空!朋友啊~都2012了,凡事別再計較!
If the heart is unsatisfied, it will worry about imaginary troubles! Why not learn to let go, and all will be free! Friend~ it's already 2012, please don't be bothered!
5 Mar [10:20 楊丞琳] 好馬不停蹄啊我!忙翻了~
A good horse doesn't stop (I am)! Really busy~
[12:12 楊丞琳] 為了@罗志祥的微電影,我們遠赴澳大利亞取景!雖然行程緊湊,但還是可以看見這裡美麗的風光!謝謝澳大利亞旅遊局對我們的幫助
For Show's micro-movie, we flew all the way to Australia to film! Though the journey is rushed, but could still take in the beautiful sights! Thank you Tourism Australia for your help.
[18:34 羅志祥] 悉尼悉尼好風光,有空一定來玩耍,看到悉尼好景象,心情放鬆一定爽!
Sydney, Sydney, it's so scenic. Do come and have fun when you're free, Sydney's beautiful scenery will lift your spirits!
6 Mar [08:30 楊丞琳] 我想家了
I'm thinking of home.
[22:13 楊丞琳] 今天拍攝時,看到一隻可愛的小狗,讓我想起了Yumi!女兒,等我回去喔
Saw a cute dog at today's shoot. It reminded me of Yumi! Daughter, wait for me to come home.
7 Mar [13:29 楊丞琳] 好愜意啊!工作途中的休息時間,來杯啤酒吧~
How nice! A break from work, come have some beer~
8 Mar [15:48 楊丞琳] 我眼睛腫腫
My eyes are puffy.
9 Mar [01:13 楊丞琳] 我、好、開、心
I'm. Really. Happy.
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