我可能不會愛你 ITWY Ep 6 3/3

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The scene then shifts to Da Ren coming clear with Maggie on his feelings for You Qing and initiates the breakup with Maggie! Kudos to the executive producer/ director that had this executed so well, that it made me empathize that breaking up is all for the good of Maggie as well (yup, no matter how irritating she was before).

As Da Ren's advice:

DR: 我喜歡你但那不是愛啊。
I like you but it isn't love.

Maggie: 我哪裡不如程又青?為什麼你不能愛我? 
How am I inferior to Cheng You Qing? Why can't you love me?
DR: 愛情不比較值 (愛情其實是莫非定律)
You can't compare love (as it isn't a rule).

你可以討厭我也可以狠我,不過有一句話你一定要聽 -- 千萬不要為了結婚而結婚,要誠實面對自己的感情...
You can dislike or hate me, but please heed my advice -- Do not to get married for the sake of getting married, but please be honest towards your own feelings.

Maggie: 我沒有要嫁入豪門,也沒有想要嫁給多了不起的人,我只想嫁一個好人,我只想要最平凡的幸福而已,這樣的願望有很奢侈嗎?為什麼你都不成全我?
I don't wish to marry a rich or a great man, I just want to marry a good man and to have simple happiness. Is that a lot to ask for? Why wouldn't you grant me this wish?

TFG: A lot of times, love isn't about one granting another, but about fate and destiny.

* * * * *
(Cutting short the post. Click here for more.)

Da Ren then calls You Qing (about to confess his feelings!). Who knows, You Qing excitedly broke the news that Ding Li Wei finally called and rattles on about it!  

TFG: YIKES, it's really about moments isn't it?!! At times like this, it makes me think that YQ is rather about herself too, and makes one feel rather sad for DR that he still listens on though he doesn't feel good deep inside. Otherwise, I thought this scene is rather artistically executed, to make it seem that they're talking face to face even though they're a wall apart - YQ of course oblivious to the fact that DR is just outside her place.

The next day, Ding Li Wei appeared at You Qing's doorstep. By murphy's law, she just got herself locked out of home and was caught at her most dire state! She was totally flabbergasted, and hopped off a cab to Da Ren's place! (She was totally cute in this scene.)

She started whining, and that's when Da Ren realised they have met. They had a tiff in the car and drops You Qing on the roadside, as he can no longer tolerate You Qing's anxiety over Ding Li Wei. No matter how much You Qing denies about wanting to reconcile, Da Ren can see clearing that she is still holding on. What's sweet is that even though mad at You Qing, Da Ren cannot bear to leave her alone as we can see him turning back his car to find her.

* * * * * 

The best part, these two are such great friends that they no unhappiness will put them apart for long; and they are sure to reconcile at the end of the day.

The make up.

YQ: 走過的五年
因為 有你
雖然你不愛我,但是我知道 你比誰都懂得珍惜我
In the past five years, I have suffered and felt lost. But I am very good, great and very happy.  Because... I have you. Although you won't love me, I know that you will cherish me more than anyone else.

The parting scene is the best liner of all Ep 6! It's a roller-coaster of feelings these very talented people stirred up in just one episode! And phew, I can now get on with later episodes as I put an embargo on myself to write this before future episodes - as thoughts will change if I had watched them before writing this!

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