No, they didn't hug! But...

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Mystery cracked - thanks to some Korean fan out there and the lovely people at Asianfanatics who got my attention! A closure on Show and Rainie's new year "rendezvous", I've transcribed the relevant and interesting parts below.


00:38 - Pose for fan's photo taking
00:47 - Strikes another pose
1:00 - Show runs left of stage, Rainie runs right to hug Aya
1:04 - Rainie and Aya hugs, Jacky Wu goes over to shake Rainie's hands
1:18 - Rainie runs back stage (left), Show's no where on cam too

What happened behind the scenes? We don't know. *cheeky grins*

1:47 - Ou Han Sheng (Show's ex-group mate) takes photo with Rainie, courteously
2:15 - Found Show! He's now over at Hudie's side taking photos, while Rainie is with Jolin who just arrived. She seems like narrating her ordeal in getting to Kaohsiung.
3:58 - Show walked past at the back as Rainie and Aya chat
4:08 - Show and Rainie passing private remarks
4:45 - Show's first greeting that mentions "TU" (as in don't vomit when drinking)
5:47 - Jacky's wishes to Jolin, "It's the year of the rabbit, hope you'll receive ME TOO (referring to Jolin and Jinrong's relationship will blossom)". Jolin was puzzled at first. Pretty candid scene, but no SR relevance.
7:45 - Show, Rainie and Jolin get into the prime position
8:13 - Rainie's new year and "TU" greetings. Check out Show observing her.
8:20 - Rainie and Show start their lovers' bicker.
8:44 - They play scissors, paper, stone to decide. Hahaa
10:08 - Did Show brush Rainie's face?
12:01 - Show and Rainie mimicking Jolin's dance

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