News: Show & Cyndi MV Collaboration

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Apologies for the lack of updates. The past weeks have been busy.

I'm watching Show and Rainie separately now due to their lack of opportunities for collaboration. While Rainie moves on with her latest drama with Joseph and soon to be released new album in August, Show is busied with his concert tours and rumoured up-coming movie/drama. I do suspect that he may have a drama with Cyndi Wang soon enough (3:25 - Show says he hopes this will pave the way to a drama collaboration).

Here's a first collaboration in Cyndi's MV - I've posted an interview clip than the actual MV as it's a pretty light-hearted watch. The song is a rap duet - Show raps a short portion while Cyndi sings the main song.

羅志祥 王心凌「陪我到以後」MV拍攝

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