第二届壹周刊娱乐大赏颁奖典礼 NEXT Magazine Awards 2011 (1/2)

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Recap on the Next Awards 2011 (17.08.2011), Show-Rainie moments on stage.
Relive last year's moments here.

Sonia: Next Magazine Awards Top 10 Artistes award goes to "Yang Cheng Ling"

Yang Cheng Ling is in the business for 10 years. Last year, for the first time, conducted concert world tour "Whimsical World" and garnered rave reviews. After receiving Golden Bell Best Actress, this year (she) acted in idol drama "Drunken to Love You". Once again achieved high ratings. Endless commercial sponsorships. Popularity steadily rising. Being awarded The Top 10 Artistes Award is truly deserving.

Host: That's right, truly deserving. Welcome bestselling singer "Yang Cheng Ling"! 12 Top Golden Charts Album, it's not easy. Of course, she is also the no. 1 actress of idol dramas. As long as she is the lead, it is a rating guaranteed. Congratulations to Cheng Ling for the Top 10 Most Popular Artiste Award. Welcome both of you, thank you. This is as if a SETTV awards.
[As both Sonia and Rainie's latest dramas are works of SETTV. Rainie laughed.]

Rainie: Thank you very very much Next Media. Really thankful, whether it's praise or criticisms, I'll accept. Also, thank you all friends who supports me, those who like my singing, those who like my acting. Thank you.

Host: Thank you Cheng Ling.
Sonia, do you have any past interactions and experience with Cheng Ling?

Sonia / Rainie: We have worked together before.

Host: When was that?

Sonia / Rainie: The Legend of Speed

Host: That was so long ago!

Rainie: 7 years

Host: 7 years ago, do you think Sonia is progressing very rapidly since?

Rainie: I'm happy for her because back when we worked together, I know a lot about some of the situations that she was in.

Host: What situations?

Rainie: Like at that time, she haven't had a boyfriend for a long time...
and I'm thinking, she is so ideal, how come she has no boyfriend? Also..erm... some stuff about her contract issues

Host: Oh so these few years, there's the feeling of "overcoming the darkess and see the light" [a chinese idiom which meant new hopes arising amidst troubled times.]

Rainie / Sonia: Yes

Host: And do you see any changes in Rainie? She is getting more and more popular.

Sonia: Also very big [she meant big changes]... Really wish her well

Host: What very "big"? [I think he tried to imply her cup size]

Rainie: Thank you [she gets the joke and laughs]

Host: What also very big? The things you two say are so ambiguous, one says there are situations, the other says it's very big! I can't see that she's very "big"!

Rainie: Actually I'm not bad, what's up with that!

Host: So you have grown up all right.

Sonia: She's already very good and I wish for her to keep getting better and become more and more well-know.

Host: Press on and hope that both of you will have the chance to be on the same stage.
Thank you both of you, thank you Sonia. Yang Cheng Ling, please remain.

Host: Who will you choose to send you home the next time you get drunk?
1) Xiaogui 2) Roy Chiu or 3) Kingone
This is a recent incident [referring to Kingone].

Rainie: Xiaogui

Host: Why Xiaogui? Why not Kingone again?

Rainie: No, that last time, Kingone's friend was driving, and I'm not alone with Kingone in the car.

Host: So it's a misunderstanding...

Rainie: As for Xiaogui, I feel very secure with him.

Host: Oh why? Is there a chance to get back together with him?

Rainie: No...

Host: Really? Absolutely not?

Rainie: No, absolutely not.

Host: What about Roy Chiu?

Rainie: What about him?

Host: To send you?

Rainie: It's ok, no need to trouble him.

Host: So direct.... applause for her! The very cute Cheng Ling!

Rainie: So hot! [embarrased, she touched her ears].

[The camera pans to Show... I don't think he looked pissed, quite expressionless actually. TFG: Is it my hallucination or did I catch a faint smile in the poker face Show tries to keep? Was he secretly pleased? ;) ].

Host: ok ok , it's over, relax relax!

Rainie: Next one please

* * * * *

Host: Once again, congrats to our bestselling singer. Please announce the next winner for the Top 10 Most Popular Artiste. It's our last winner.

Rainie: Next Magazine Awards Top 10 Artiste... Luo Zhi Xiang!

Host: Congratulations Xiao Zhu, Luo Zhi Xiang!

Voiceover: Luo Zhi Xiang is one who had fallen down and picked himself up and become popular artiste. Last year during the concert at Taipei Arena "Wu Fa Wu Tian 3D World Live Tour", he performed a historical record breaking 3 shows in 24 hours. His hardwork allows the Show's serious and professional image to leave a deep impression in people. It also becomes a role model for many artistes.

Host: Welcome Luo Zhi Xiang, our Asia Dancing King! Truly deserving. Whether it's Taiwan, China or South-east Asia and even Japan, he works very hard. Everyone should give him more support and encouragement and once again congrats to both of you for being here on this stage. Please give your winning speech.

[Show passed Rainie's award to her and gestured to get her to leave the stage together with him.]

Host: Hey hey hey! Where are you leaving to? You want to send her home?

Show: No no, because I feel that this event is very entertaining. And I sat down for too long, keep feeling the urge to pee...

Host: Ok... then let's skip the segment, you don't have to awkwardly 3-Choose-1 [like the question posed to Rainie earlier].

Host: Cheng Ling, did you see the recent record breaking stunt by Show during his Kaohsiung concert?

Rainie: No, I did not see it, but...

Host: Did you hear of it from someone?

Rainie: No I did not hear of it from someone but this kind of thing, it must be Show himself who will tell me, because he is so arrogant.

Host: He actually personally boast about it to you? Yes? You did not see it and he boastfully told you himself?
[Show nods his head, and looking very pleased].

Rainie: Yup, it's worth the mention.

Host: 30 secs, 126 "pose" [referring to his record hip thrusts]

Show: Average 4 times per second.

Host: Average 4 times per second. It so happened that Rainie did not see it that day. Those of you here who didn't see it too, please raise your hands. Oh, so many did not see it as well [some in the audience raised their hands].

Host: [Show knew where the conversation was leading and goes to grab him] Then let's take the opportunity today to... since we still have a bit of time... want to see? want to see?

Rainie: I really want to see...

[Show attempts to cover Rainie's mike too.]

Show: No... You know, there's a big difference when there's music and when there's no music.

[The music immediately comes on]

Host: Why wouldn't there be music? This is a broadcasting station!

Host: I'll find someone to "PK" with you

Show: Who?

Host: Ren-ba (Selina's dad).

[Show laughs]

Host: Don't look down on him. He is known for being Mr. "7 times a night"! His strength... he will always boast "me and my wife, we are "happy" 3 times a week... I'm going home to strip my pants. Thank you, thank you." So let me tell you, he is ok - He is the only one here who might beat you.

Rainie: Can I go down the stage to watch his 10 secs?

Host: Oh you want to watch from below the stage? Or you want to sit...?

Rainie: No, it's because he's beside me and if he does that, it's weird

Host: Or maybe you would like to sit in the VIP room? [referring to an imaginary room next to the podium.]

Host: Okok... thanks Cheng Ling. [She leaves the stage]

Host: Come on Brother Zhu, 10 secs will do.

Show: Don't be like this, I'm even willing to go nude..

Host: You are willing to go nude?

Show: No, I'm anxious... no... can I first say my Thank you's...

Host: Yes, please.

Show: I want to thank my record company Gold Typhoon, my management company, my fans and friends. Also thanks Next Media who really takes care of us artistes. Also thanks to paparrazi who works so hard to take care of our cars and houses and if there are burglars, the paparazzi will take the photos of those burglars, so they are also very thoughtful... So thank you very much. [TFG: It was a deliberate sidetrack, after which he quickly takes flight hoping to get off the hook.]

Host: Thank you... so for the self-challenge. ... 10 secs 42 thrusts... can he... Hey! Where are you going?!

(Translation Credit: queeniemad of AF; I made some minor edits to fill in the gaps.)

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