醉後決定愛上你 Love You - Show's Congrats Message 20110421

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I've just finished watching episode 1 and think it'll be a good drama! I think Joseph Chang looks great too, but I'm back-tracking a little to my world of Show and Rainie. With much publicity going on, rumors are cooking - this time other than Show, the paparazzi are cooking it with Alien Huang too. Anyhow here's Show's message at a school promotional event of Love You, 4月21日 《醉後決定愛上你》 校園宣傳:

今天很開心我的好夥伴楊丞琳又有另外一個新作叫作是醉後決定愛上你,跟張姓少年就是張孝全一起合作的。希望大家能夠多多去支持他們。這部戲很好看又很溫馨又好笑,一起來支持一下,謝謝大家 Only Only U-U-U~

Translated: I'm very happy today that my partner Yang Cheng Lin has a new drama called Love You, co-starring a youth by the surname Zhang - yes it is Joseph! I hope everybody would support this drama. It's nice, heart warming and funny, so let's support it together. Thanks, Only Only U-U-U~

Food for thought: The parting note - Promoting his song, or secret message to Rainie? ;) Here's the clip to the news. And one on Rainie's afterthoughts:

Clip 1 -
When asked if she's surprised to see Show's blessings:
Yup I am surprised! But I really thank him for his support because he's watching. Actually we started filming last year end, so during our company's year end event, he asked about the progress (of my filming) and said that he is very supportive and would watch our show. And I really thank him for that.

Clip 2-
Rainie was talking about someone being lively and very funny behind the camera, but the front part was cut off. Is it Show?

When asked if Show will be jealous:
He won't show even if he is, I suppose! But I feel that I'm not that important so he won't be jealous. Help! Dying to know the full content of this interview~

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