13.8 羅志祥一萬零一夜演唱會 高雄 Show-Rainie Excerpts

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The reason for my lack of activity here - I escaped to Kaohsiung Taiwan to watch Xiaozhu live in concert! Yeah!

Show wearing a lit Minnie Mouse headband given by his fans
In singing, Show is as good as Jay Chou (I used to like Jay but have lost any fangirl symptoms with him) can get. Mediocre. But I like him for his candid, funny and seemingly truthful persona, so indeed it was an entertaining show. Before I dwell further on to the rest of the concert, I guess this is what most SR fans are dying to know - did he yet again mention Rainie in this concert?

He didn't explicitly. But made references to Hi My Sweetheart several times:
  • He asked the audience at which point did they start liking him: Was it during the time of 4 Heavenly Kings, through the variety shows which he has hosted like YLBFB, at the turning point of his singing career where his dance numbers became a hit, or was it through drama like HMS?
  • He mentioned before singing 爱不单行 that Kaohsiung holds a special significance to him as it has memories of HMS (sorry I can't recall the exact words but that was essentially the meaning).

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