娱乐百分百 28/07/2011 - 楊丞琳粉丝同乐会 - Part 2

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[10:55] Show: The next song is also a very popular song.
Rainie: I've not sung it for very long.
Show: But everyone still has a very deep impression of this song, because Hi My Sweetheart last episode just ended not long.
Rainie: Yup, it's the re-run on GTV. I will also watch when I'm free.
Show: Hey, I'm watching your new drama. You're in it too (pointing to Xiaogui). When you dive into the pool to save her (Xiaogui mimics the action), then "DON'T TOUCH MY WIFE!" (Show re-enacts Joseph's lines and actions)
Xiaogui: Aiyo.
Xiaogui was stunned, then points at Show, smiles and nods his head knowingly as if he's acknowledging Xiaozhu's statement. Rainie looked at Show smilingly too.
Show: "Don't touch my wife!" Wah seh, your expression tells that you were really acting with your heart.
Xiaogui: Yup... No, no.
Rainie: He must be thinking to himself, "She's actually my wife," or such.
Show: Hey you acted really well! Especially that scene, I thought "Your expression in your eyes was wonderful!" (Rainie on the side was saying that Xiaogui was really pitiful in that scene.)
Xiaogui: You watched? Wah, it's the first time you're praising me!
Show: Just the expression only. (Show mimics Xiaogui's expression in the scene.)
Xiaogui: Feels as if there's a monologue.
Show: Yup, I thought it was not bad. You did put your personal feelings into work.
Xiaogui: Hahaha! You mean I was mixed up yeah?
Rainie: So my next song actually fits.
Show: Yup, you did mention before. Anonymous Friend.

Song: Anonymous Friend 匿名的好友

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